University Infrastructure Programme

Launched in 2006, the University Infrastructure Programme (UIP) initiative is open annually to the nine public universities in Vienna, as defined in the University Act of 2002. The goal of the initiative is to strengthen Viennese universities as sites of research, teaching, and development of the arts by funding medium-sized infrastructures. Key evaluation criteria are that: (i) the infrastructure demonstrates a clear link to Vienna; (ii) the infrastructure is highly visible within the university and the City of Vienna; and (iii) the university provides substantial in-kind contribution for the infrastructure. Applications may be submitted annually within the specified submission period by the rectorates of the nine state universities in Vienna pursuant to the University Act of 2002.

Contact: Benjamin Missbach


Earlier calls


Funding volume: 1,102,002.19 €
Awarding procdure: Decision by the UIP board, formal approval by the WWTF Board of Directors
UIP Board meeting: November 27, 2024
Formal decision by WWTF Board of Directors: December 19, 2024

Contact person: Benjamin MissbachBenjamin Missbach

Daniel Löcker | Stadt Wien
Marko Miloradovic | Stadt Wien
Christian Obinger | BOKU University
Elisabeth Schludermann | TU Wien
Ulrike Sych | mdw - Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien
Petra Winter | VetMed - Veterinärmedizinische Universität Wien



Funding volume: € 1 711 325,55
Awarding procedure: Decision by the UIP board, formal approval by the WWTF Board of Directors
Board meeting: December 7th, 2023

Contact person: Benjamin Missbach

Mitglieder des UIP-Beirats:
Ulrike Sych | mdw - Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien
Marko Miloradovic | Stadt Wien
Christoph Dellago | Universität Wien
Daniel Löcker | Stadt Wien 
Petra Winter | VetMed - Veterinärmedizinische Universität Wien
Christian Breiteneder | Technische Universität Wien

Funded projects

  • UIP23-AkBild
    Infrastruktur-Update von Werkstätten und Laboren
    Duration: 17 months, Funding volume: € 57,957
  • UIP23-BOKU
    High Performance Computational Infrastructure f. Collaborative Biomolecular & Bioinformatic Services
    Duration: 12 months, Funding volume: € 62,078
  • UIP23-MdW
    Aktives Akustiksystem
    Duration: 12 months, Funding volume: € 92,990
  • UIP23-TUW
    Materialdiffraktometer mit Hochleistungs- Röntgenquelle
    Duration: 30 months, Funding volume: € 411,932
  • UIP23-Univie
    Anschaffung eines Orbitrap-Massenspektrometers für die Lebens- und Umweltwissenschaften
    Duration: 12 months, Funding volume: € 444,389
  • UIP23-Vetmed
    Erneuerung des hochauflösenden LC-MS/MS Systems im Bereich Proteomics
    Duration: 3 months, Funding volume: € 334,252
  • UIP23-WU
    Ausbau der zentralen Speicherinfrastruktur. Erweiterung des "Big-Data-Storages"
    Duration: 8 months, Funding volume: € 307,729

UIP Call 2022

Funding volume: € 1.783.634,68
Awarding procedure: Decision by the UIP board, formal approval by the WWTF Board of Directors
Board meeting: December 7th, 2022
Contact person: Benjamin Missbach

Members of the UIP Board:

Gerald Bast | Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien
Marko Miloradovic | Stadt Wien
Christoph Dellago | Universität Wien
Daniel Löcker | Stadt Wien 
Edeltraud Hanappi-Egger | Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien
Christian Breiteneder | Technische Universität Wien

Funded projects

  • UIP22-AkBild
    Optimierung der Infrastruktur der Labore und Werkstätten sowie der Bibliothek
    Duration: 16 months, Funding volume: € 57,957
  • UIP22-angewandte
    Angewandte Resonanz: Eine Produktions- und Forschungswerkstätte mit Klang
    Duration: 12 months, Funding volume: € 56,345
  • UIP22-BOKU
    Hochauflösende Mikroskopie für die Beobachtung von multiplen Farbmarkern
    Duration: 12 months, Funding volume: € 62,077
  • UIP22-MUW
    Flying Hirsch
    Duration: 9 months, Funding volume: € 128,812
  • UIP22-TUW
    Ausstattung einer zentralen “Cell Culture (and Microscopy) Core Facility”
    Duration: 36 months, Funding volume: € 726,325
  • UIP22-Univie
    FACS matter: Zellsortierung der nächsten Generation
    Duration: 9 months, Funding volume: € 444,388
  • UIP22-WU
    Erneuerung und Ausbau der zentralen Speicherinfrastruktur
    Duration: 9 months, Funding volume: € 307,728

Funding volume: € 2.087.855,78
Awarding procdure: Decision by the UIP board, formal approval by WWTF Board of Directors
Board meeting: November 29, 2021
Contact person: Benjamin Missbach

Members of the UIP Board:

Gerald Bast | University of Applied Arts Vienna
Marko Miloradovic | Stadt Wien
Christoph Dellago | University of Vienna
Daniel Löcker | Stadt Wien 
Edeltraud Hanappi-Egger | Vienna University of Economics and Business
Christian Breiteneder | Vienna University of Technology

Funded projects

  • UIP21-ak_bild
    Tech-Pool Akademie: Upgrade Neue Medien in der Kunst: Fotografie – Film – Fernsehen
    Duration: 12 months, Funding volume: € 53,989
  • UIP21-BOKU
    Hochleistungstechnologie zur effizienten Aufkonzentrierung biologischer Lösungen im Pilotmaßstab
    Duration: 12 months, Funding volume: € 67,282
  • UIP21-mdw
    Projekt Instrumentenfundus
    Duration: 12 months, Funding volume: € 99,672
  • UIP21-TU
    Upgrade eines vorhandenen Kernresonanz-Spektrometers zu einem modernen 400 MHz-System & Erneuerung der Grundlehrelabors der Fakultät für Informatik
    Duration: 12 months, Funding volume: € 585,000
  • UIP21-univie
    Ausbau der NMR-Infrastruktur für die pharmazeutische Wirkstoffforschung
    Duration: 12 months, Funding volume: € 463,330
  • UIP21-VetMed
    TripleQuad-LC/MS-System zur Peptid- und Metabolitenanalyse (Targeted Proteomics und Metabolomics)
    Duration: 12 months, Funding volume: € 174,813
  • UIP21-WU
    Austausch der zentralen Komponenten der FIRM-Hochleistungsrechnerinfrastruktur
    Duration: 12 months, Funding volume: € 643,768

Funding volume: € 940.097,08 
Awarding procdure: Decision by the UIP board, formal approval by the City of Vienna
Board meeting: December 14, 2020
Contact person: Benjamin Missbach


Members of the UIP Board:

Gerald Bast | University of Applied Arts Vienna
Marko Miloradovic | City of Vienna
Christoph Dellago | University of Vienna
Daniel Löcker |City of Vienna
Edeltraud Hanappi-Egger | Vienna University of Economics and Business
Christian Breiteneder| Vienna University of Technology

Funded projects

Funding volume: € 1.681.431,84 
Awarding procdure: Decision by the UIP board, formal approval by the City of Vienna
Board meeting: November 22, 2018
Contact person: Benjamin Missbach

Members of the UIP Board:

Gerald Bast | University of Applied Arts Vienna
N.N. | Stadt Wien
Christoph Dellago | University of Vienna
Daniel Löcker | Stadt Wien 
Edeltraud Hanappi-Egger | Vienna University of Economics and Business
Gottfried Magerl | Vienna University of Technology

Funded projects

Funding volume: € 1.819.722,18 
Awarding procdure: Decision by the UIP board, formal approval by the City of Vienna
Board meeting: November 22, 2018
Contact person: Benjamin Missbach

Members of the UIP Board:

Gerald Bast | University of Applied Arts Vienna
N.N. | Stadt Wien
Christoph Dellago | University of Vienna
Daniel Löcker | Stadt Wien 
Edeltraud Hanappi-Egger | Vienna University of Economics and Business
Gottfried Magerl | Vienna University of Technology

Funded projects

Funding volume: € 1.575.112,04
Awarding procdure: Decision by the UIP board, formal approval by the City of Vienna
Board meeting: November 20, 2017
Contact person: Benjamin Missbach

Members of the UIP Board:

Gerald Bast | University of Applied Arts Vienna
Daniela Brandtner | Stadt Wien
Christoph Dellago | University of Vienna
Daniel Löcker | Stadt Wien 
Edeltraud Hanappi-Egger | Vienna University of Economics and Business
Gottfried Magerl | Vienna University of Technology

Funded projects

  • UIP17-ak_bild
    Ätzraum – Druckwerkstatt des Instituts für bildende Künste
    Duration: 12 months, Funding volume: € 47,581
  • UIP17-boku
    Urban Cyber Farming-Laboratory (UrbFarmLab)
    Duration: 12 months, Funding volume: € 156,767
  • UIP17-mdw
    Das Wiener Cembalo im historischen Kontext
    Duration: 12 months, Funding volume: € 97,568
  • UIP17-MUW
    Superauflösendes Mikroskopiesystem "STEDYCON"
    Duration: 12 months, Funding volume: € 89,662
  • UIP17-TU
    "Anschaffung eines Röntgen-Einkristalldiffraktometers zur Strukturaufklärung von High-Tech-Materialien" und "HIGH SPEED CMOS CAMERA"
    Duration: 12 months, Funding volume: € 393,270
  • UIP17-univie
    Stärkung der Bereiche Aerosol- und Umweltphysik und Materialwissenschaften
    Duration: 12 months, Funding volume: € 455,792
  • UIP17-vetmed
    Aufrüstung der Technologieplattform VetCore – Sicherstellung von State-of-the-art Infrastruktur
    Duration: 12 months, Funding volume: € 334,468

UIP 2016

Funding volume: 1.696.256,08 €
Awarding procedure: Decision by the UIP board, formal approval by the City of Vienna
Board meeting: November 21, 2016

Contact Person: Michael Strassnig

Members of the UIP Board:

Gerald Bast | University of Applied Arts Vienna
Daniela Brandtner | Stadt Wien
Christoph Dellago | University of Vienna
Daniel Löcker | Stadt Wien 
Edeltraud Hanappi-Egger | Vienna University of Economics and Business
Gottfried Magerl | Vienna University of Technology

Funded projects

Funding volume: 1.627.504,55 €
Awarding procedure: Decision by the UIP board, formal approval by the City of Vienna
Board meeting: December 3, 2015

Contact Person: Michael Strassnig

Members of the UIP Board:

Gerald Bast | University of Applied Arts Vienna
Daniela Brandtner | Stadt Wien
Christoph Dellago | University of Vienna
Hubert Christian Ehalt | Stadt Wien 
Edeltraud Hanappi-Egger | Vienna University of Economics and Business
Gottfried Magerl | Vienna University of Technology



Funded projects

Funding volume: 1.285.786,19 €
Awarding procedure: Decision by the UIP board, formal approval by the City of Vienna
Board meeting: November 24, 2014

Contact person: Michael Strassnig

Members of the UIP Board:
Christoph Badelt | Vienna University of Economics and Business
Gerald Bast | University of Applied Arts Vienna
Daniela Brandtner | Stadt Wien
Christoph Dellago | University of Vienna
Hubert Christian Ehalt | Stadt Wien 
Gottfried Magerl | Vienna University of Technology

Funded projects

Funding volume: 1.586.694,44 €
Awarding procedure: Decision by the UIP board, formal approval by the City of Vienna
Board meeting: November 22, 2013
Formale Entscheidung durch den WWTF Vorstand:

Contact person: Michael StrassnigMichael StrassnigMichael Strassnig

Members of the UIP Board:
Christoph Badelt | Vienna University of Economics and Business
Gerald Bast | University of Applied Arts Vienna
Daniela Brandtner | Stadt Wien
Christoph Dellago | University of Vienna
Hubert Christian Ehalt | Stadt Wien 
Gottfried Magerl | Vienna University of Technology

Funded projects

Funding volume: 931.373,46 €
Awarding procedure: Decision by the UIP board, formal approval by the City of Vienna
Board meeting: November 16, 2012

Contact person: Michael Strassnig

Members of the UIP Board:
Christoph Badelt | Vienna University of Economics and Business
Gerald Bast | University of Applied Arts Vienna
Daniela Brandtner | Stadt Wien
Christoph Dellago | University of Vienna
Hubert Christian Ehalt | Stadt Wien 
Gottfried Magerl | Vienna University of Technology

Funded projects

Funding volume: 1.276.615,57 €
Awarding procedure: Decision by the UIP board, formal approval by the City of Vienna
Board meeting: November 21, 2011

Contact Person: Michael Strassnig
Members of the UIP Board:
Gerald Bast | University of Applied Arts Vienna
Daniela Brandtner | Stadt Wien
Hubert Christian Ehalt | Stadt Wien 
Edeltraud Hanappi-Egger | Vienna University of Economics and Business
Gottfried Magerl | Vienna University of Technology
Peter Swetly | University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna

Funded projects

Funding volume: 1.407.215,08 €
Awarding procedure: Decision by the UIP board, formal approval by the City of Vienna
Board meeting: December 14, 2010

Contact Person: Michael Strassnig

Members of the UIP Board:
Gerald Bast | University of Applied Arts Vienna
Daniela Brandtner | Stadt Wien
Hubert Christian Ehalt | Stadt Wien 
Edeltraud Hanappi-Egger | Vienna University of Economics and Business
Gottfried Magerl | Vienna University of Technology
Peter Swetly | University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna

Funded projects

Funding volume: 1.248.258,72 €
Awarding procedure: Decision by the UIP board, formal approval by the City of Vienna
Board meeting: November 25, 2009

Contact Person: Michael Strassnig

Members of the UIP Board:
Gerald Bast | University of Applied Arts Vienna
Daniela Brandtner | Stadt Wien
Hubert Christian Ehalt | Stadt Wien 
Edeltraud Hanappi-Egger | Vienna University of Economics and Business
Gottfried Magerl | Vienna University of Technology
Peter Swetly | University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna

Funded projects

Funding volume: 2.432.752,17 €
Awarding procedure: Decision by the UIP board, formal approval by the City of Vienna
Board meeting: December 9, 2008 

Contact Person: Michael Strassnig

Members of the UIP Board:
Gerald Bast | University of Applied Arts Vienna
Hubert Christian Ehalt | Stadt Wien 
Edeltraud Hanappi-Egger | Vienna University of Economics and Business
Gottfried Magerl | Vienna University of Technology
Karin Pollitzer | Stadt Wien
Peter Swetly | University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna

Funded projects

Funding volume: 1.087.155,97 € 
Awarding procedure: Decision by the UIP board, formal approval by the City of Vienna
Board meeting: November 30, 2007

Contact Person: Michael Strassnig

Members of the UIP Board:
Gerald Bast | University of Applied Arts Vienna
Hubert Christian Ehalt | Stadt Wien 
Edeltraud Hanappi-Egger | Vienna University of Economics and Business
Gottfried Magerl | Vienna University of Technology
Karin Pollitzer | Stadt Wien
Peter Swetly | University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna

Funded projects

Funding volume: 1.026.469 €
Awarding procedure: Decision by the UIP board, formal approval by the City of Vienna
Board meeting: December 15, 2006

Contact Person: Michael Strassnig

Members of the UIP Board:
Gerald Bast | University of Applied Arts Vienna
Hubert Christian Ehalt | Stadt Wien 
Edeltraud Hanappi-Egger | Vienna University of Economics and Business
Gottfried Magerl | Vienna University of Technology
Karin Pollitzer | Stadt Wien
Peter Swetly | University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna

Funded projects

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