Mathematics and ...

In its “Mathematics and …” thematic programme, the WWTF aimed to promote scientific projects and Vienna Research Groups in the field of mathematics together with other disciplines. The projects include research in different fields where clear problems are identified such as society, economy, natural sciences and technology, however with no guaranteed short-term payoff. Typically, project proposals span from furthering the state-of-the-art in mathematics to using real data sets in promising application domains. 

In total, 49 WWTF Projects could be funded with a Volumen of € 29.843.150.

Earlier calls

Funding volume: 4,730,600 € (financial means of WWTF as well as berndorf Privatstiftung and the City of Vienna)
Number of applications: 67 short proposals, 22 invited for submitting a full proposal
Awarding procedure: Selection by international expert panel based on review report by peers
Jury meeting: December 2, 2016
Formal decision by WWTF Board of Directors: December 13, 2016

Contact person: Michael Strassnig

For more information see the Call Fiche

Members of the call jury:

  • Axel Klar (jury chair) | Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, DE
  • Mareike Fischer | Universität Greifswald, DE
  • Stéphane Jaffard | Université Paris-Est Créteil Val de Marne, FR
  • Martine Labbé | Université Libre de Bruxelles, BE
  • Vito Latora | Queen Mary, University of London, IT
  • Sharon Lubkin | North Carolina State University, US
  • Mark Podolskij | Aarhus University, DK
  • Herbert Spohn | TU München, DE

Funded projects

Funding volume: 4,486,000 €
Number of applications: 61 short proposals, 22 invited for submitting a full proposal
Awarding procdure: Selection by international expert panel based on review report by peers
Jury meeting: October 6-7, 2014
Formal decision by WWTF Board of Directors: October 14, 2014

For more information see the Call Fiche

Contact: Marita Benkwitz

Members of the call jury:

  • Jan Karel Lenstra (jury chair) | Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, NL
  • Zvia Agur | Institute for Medical BioMathematics, IL
  • Stephane Jaffard | Université Paris-Est Créteil Val de Marne, FR
  • Willi Jäger | University of Heidelberg, DE
  • Axel Klar | Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, DE
  • Ekaterina Kostina | Philipps-Universität Marburg, DE
  • Mark Podolskij | Aarhus University, DK

Funded projects

Economics / Business

This call in the framework of the WWTF „Mathematics and…“ programme adressed 
Viennese Universities that wanted to hire an excellent researcher from abroad for the set-up of a professorship in the field of “Mathematics and Economics/ Business”. 

Funding volume: 800,000 € 
Awarding procedure: Selection by international expert panel based on review report by peers
Jury meeting: June 15, 2010
Formal decision by WWTF Board of Directors: June 22, 2010


Members of the call jury:

  • Griselda Deelstra | Université libre de Bruxelles, BE
  • Claudia Klüppelberg | Technical University of Munich, DE
  • Jan Karel Lenstra | Eindhoven University of Technology, NL
  • Norbert Schmitz | Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, GE

Funded projects

"Promoting the Next Generation"

Funding volume: 4,500,100 €
Number of applications: 37 proposals
Awarding procedure: Selection by international expert panel based on review report by peers
Jury meeting: August 31 - September 1, 2009
Formal decision by WWTF Board of Directors: September 7, 2009

For more information see the Call Fiche

Members of the call jury:

  • Jan Karel Lenstra (jury chair) | Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, NL
  • Ellen Baake | Universität Bielefeld, DE
  • Annalisa Buffa |Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, IT
  • David Harel | The Weizman Institute of Science, IL
  • Julia Kempe | Tel Aviv University, IL
  • Axel Klar | Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, DE
  • Claudia Klüppelberg | Technische Universität München, DE
  • Sharon R. Lubkin | North Carolina State University, US
  • Philip K. Maini | Oxford University, GB
  • Martin Rumpf | Universität Bonn, DE

Funded projects

Introducing: “The next generation”

Funding volume: 4,470,000 € 
Number of applications: 37 proposals 
Awarding procedure: Selection by international expert panel based on review report by peers
Jury meeting: September 10-11, 2007
Formal decision by WWTF Board of Directors: September 18, 2007

For more information see the Call Fiche



Members of the call jury:

  • Martin Bendsoe | Technical University of Denmark, DK
  • Vincenzo Capasso | Universita degli Studi di Milano, IT
  • Hélyette Geman | Birkbeck University of London , UK
  • Albert B. Gilg | Siemens AG Munich, DE
  • David Harel | The Weizmann Institute of Science, IL
  • Willi Jäger | University of Heidelberg, DE
  • Martine Labbé | Université libre de Bruxelles, BE
  • Maciej Lewenstein | ICFO Barcelona, SP
  • Risto Nieminen | Aalto University School of Science, FI
  • Norbert Schmitz | Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, DE
  • Gunnar Sparr | Lund University, SE


Funded projects

Life Sciences / Economics

The object of the Call was to strengthen the mathematical underpinnings of the life sciences and economics in Vienna by establishing two new endowed chairs.

Funding volume: € 3,000,000
Awarding procedure: Selection by international expert panel based on review report by peers
Jury meeting: November 27, 2006
Formal decision by WWTF Board of Directors: December 11, 2006

For more information see the Call Fiche

Members of the call jury:

  •  Zvia Agur | Institute for Medical BioMathematics , IS 
  • Ewan Birney | European Bioinformatics Institute , UK 
  • Mark Davis | Imperial College London , UK 
  • Bernhard Fleischmann | University of Augsburg , DE 
  • Hélyette  Geman | Birkbeck University of London , UK 
  • Jan Karel  Lenstra | Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica , NL
  •  Philip K. Maini | Oxford University, UK 
  • Angela Stevens | Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences , DE

Funded projects

Mathematik, Modellierung und Simulation in interdisziplinären Projekten

With its first Call under the programme “Mathematics plus …“ WWTF wished to encourage projects in the field of mathematics displaying an interdisciplinary approach and possessing prospective benefits in the medium-term (as a rule utilization of an innovative mathematical method in modelling and simulation).

Funding volume: 4,190,000 € 
Number of applications: 45 proposals
Awarding procedure: Selection by international expert panel based on review report by peers
Jury meeting: March 4-5, 2005
Formal decision by WWTF Board of Directors: March 18, 2005

For more information see the Call Fiche

Members of the call jury:

  • Tomas Björk| Stockholm School of Economics, SE
  • Sebastian Bonhoeffer | ETH Zurich, CH
  • Peter Flaschel | University of Bielefeld, DE 
  • Albert B. Gilg | Siemens AG Munich, DE 
  • Martin Grötschel | Zuse Institute Berlin, DE
  • Helmut  Neunzert | Fraunhofer ITWM, DE 
  • Hilary Ockendon | Oxford University, UK
  • Arnold Schmidt | TU Wien, AT
  • Gunnar  Sparr | Lund University, SW
  • Barbara Sporn | Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, AT 

Funded projects

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