Mathematics and ... Call 2016
Funding volume: 4,730,600 € (financial means of WWTF as well as berndorf Privatstiftung and the City of Vienna)
Number of applications: 67 short proposals, 22 invited for submitting a full proposal
Awarding procedure: Selection by international expert panel based on review report by peers
Jury meeting: December 2, 2016
Formal decision by WWTF Board of Directors: December 13, 2016
Contact person: Michael Strassnig
For more information see the Call Fiche
Members of the call jury:
- Axel Klar (jury chair) | Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, DE
- Mareike Fischer | Universität Greifswald, DE
- Stéphane Jaffard | Université Paris-Est Créteil Val de Marne, FR
- Martine Labbé | Université Libre de Bruxelles, BE
- Vito Latora | Queen Mary, University of London, IT
- Sharon Lubkin | North Carolina State University, US
- Mark Podolskij | Aarhus University, DK
- Herbert Spohn | TU München, DE
Funded projects
- MA16-005 Paolo Piovano (University of Vienna)
Modeling and Design of Epitaxially Strained Nanoislands
Duration: 47 months, Funding volume: € 596,200 - MA16-009 Adrian Constantin (University of Vienna)
Equatorial wave-current interactions
Duration: 61 months, Funding volume: € 434,200 - MA16-021 Walter Schachermayer (University of Vienna)
Macroprudential bank regulation: a continuous time approach
Duration: 54 months, Funding volume: € 600,000 - MA16-028 Agata Ciabattoni (TU Wien)
Reasoning Tools for Deontic logic and Applications to Indian Sacred Texts
Duration: 66 months, Funding volume: € 628,200 - MA16-045 Peter Klimek (Medical University of Vienna)
Optimal gender-specific treatment paths on healthcare multiplex networks
Duration: 71 months, Funding volume: € 645,800 - MA16-053 Georg Tauböck (Austrian Academy of Sciences)
Infinite Dimensional Signal Processing Techniques for Acoustic Applications (INSIGHT)
Duration: 72 months, Funding volume: € 631,200 - MA16-061 Carolin Kosiol (University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna)
Genome-wide Molecular Dating
Duration: 56 months, Funding volume: € 547,400 - MA16-066 Norbert J. Mauser (Wolfgang Pauli Institute)
Schrödinger Equations for QUantum EXperiments (SEQUEX)
Duration: 66 months, Funding volume: € 647,600