Serious Beats. Internetnutzung und Freundschaftsstrukturen von jungen MigrantInnen in Wien. Eine Analyse der integrationsstiftenden Potenziale von sozialen Netzwerken und online-Spielen

The study compares the use of the internet, establishment of social networks and concrete gaming experience of three groups of young people (48 media interviews twice, once at the beginning of the research project and once at the conclusion of the gaming phase, totaling 96 interviews with second generation teenagers of Turkish origin, teenagers of Yugoslav background, and Austrian teens (14-16 years of age). A specific online game will be produced focusing on the topic of Music/DJing (i.e. Hip Hop), which will incorporate culture-overlapping and collaborative elements. The game will be played by 50% of the entire sample. A second interview will show the variations in social networks with the help of an Ego-Network analysis. This will be done in a comparative framework also including the non-gaming sample groups. We expect to find elevated inter-ethnicity within the social networks and an increased understanding of intercultural diversity. Trans-disciplinary is guaranteed through the participation of Social Science and Applied Technology Studies and the cooperation of practitioners (game design).