Synthese von Krankheitsausbreitungs- und Netzwerksdaten für die Covid-19-Simulation
Agent-based models are a key tool for simulating the spread of COVID-19, but for reliability they need to be calibrated by accurate data on the behaviour of people and actual disease spread. In addition the expected impact of strategies for reducing the spread can be tested and evaluated on the basis of connected data collected at the actual moment. The required data can also be used in future to conduct research on the effects of COVID-19, e.g. effect of reduced mobility on pollution. In this project, we will regularly collect and store the following anonymised data for the above uses: aggregated statistics on the movement of people from Austrian mobile phone operators, results of actual developed strategies for (randomized) COVID-19 tests, and information about other COVID-19 test strategies in Austria. An immediate impact would be identifying areas where contact reduction doesn’t work to intensify testing.