Robopsychologists: An Artistic Exploration of Collective Memory through Role-Playing with AI Language Models
Dauer: 36 Monate, Fördersumme: € 589.922
Neuronal and neuropeptidergic mechanisms for flexible control of learning and memory
Dauer: 72 Monate, Fördersumme: € 1.599.980
High resolution visualization of memory traces in the brain
Dauer: 66 Monate, Fördersumme: € 598.580
Dauer: 9 Monate, Fördersumme: € 40.000
Learning to Solve Quantified Boolean Formulas
Dauer: 53 Monate, Fördersumme: € 330.890
Fast and Quantitative What-if Analysis for Dependable Communication Networks (WHATIF)
Dauer: 48 Monate, Fördersumme: € 665.230