Acquiring and explaining norms for AI systems
Dauer: 0 Monate, Fördersumme: € 594.956
Understanding Language in Context
Dauer: 96 Monate, Fördersumme: € 1.599.016
LymphoidStructureMiner: AI-based exploration of the immunological contexture of lymphoid structures in translational research
Dauer: 24 Monate, Fördersumme: € 480.236
Decompose and Conquer: Fast Query Processing via Decomposition
Dauer: 42 Monate, Fördersumme: € 499.040
Precision medicine for breast cancer: multi-omics towards predicting complete remission and avoiding surgery
Dauer: 48 Monate, Fördersumme: € 899.630
Knowledge-infused Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing
Dauer: 96 Monate, Fördersumme: € 1.567.440