Information and Communication Technology Call 2008ICT08-032

Service-Oriented Data Integration

Service-Oriented Data Integration
Principal Investigator:
Abgeschlossen (01.04.2009 – 31.03.2012)
€ 370.000

Data integration is concerned with problems that arise from combining heterogeneous data sources and exchanging data between them.
There has been considerable progress in this field over the past years. Nevertheless, current approaches to integration continue to be unsatisfactory in many realistic scenarios such as virtual enterprises. Specifically, users need not just the actual data but also meta-information on these data which allows them to assess the usefulness of the data and to automatically process and combine them with data from other sources. The project proposes a service-oriented approach. Data as a service is a widely used technique, especially in the web, to facilitate the exchange of information and output between applications. The purpose of this project is to introduce data services and thus a service-oriented access to data integration. Applications include the development of systems that focus on opportunities and requirements of interaction between people with special needs.


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