Information and Communication Technology Call 2008ICT08-028

New Methods for Analyzing, Comparing, and Solving Argumentation Problems

New Methods for Analyzing, Comparing, and Solving Argumentation Problems
Principal Investigator:
Abgeschlossen (01.04.2009 – 31.03.2012)
€ 278.000

In the past decade, argumentation as a research field has become a core issue within the frame of Artificial Intelligence (AI), providing a formal treatment for reasoning problems such as can be typically found in multi-agent systems or law research. The approach allows to pinpoint conflicts between arguments. The project investigates the basics for comparing argumentation frameworks and to accelerate the computing process by new methods. It will also provide a first prototype for an “argumentation support system” which could be used for legal reasoning, mediation processes and to analyse social interactions on the internet.


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