Information and Communication Technology Call 2008ICT08-012

Methodology for Design of Accurate and Robust Communication Systems (MARC)

Methodology for Design of Accurate and Robust Communication Systems (MARC)
Principal Investigator:
Methodology for Design of Accurate and Robust Communication Systems (MARC)
Abgeschlossen (01.01.2009 – 31.12.2012)
€ 410.000

The project aims to improve the switching design methods for communication systems. Such systems typically consist of analog hardware, digital hardware and software which are functionally interwoven. Their accuracy can be substantially boosted by using mathematical algorithms. A problem still to be solved in this connection is to understand the impact of parameter deviations such as interference or noise on the overall system’s functionality and to compensate for such deviations by a systematic method. The insights found by the project are to facilitate the development of robust and precise communication systems and improve our understanding of the system parameter dependencies. As an economic side benefit, development costs of communication systems are to be reduced.


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